Not Giving Up

Lakeshore Baptist Church steeple in 2005 after Katrina.

2005. August 29th. Hurricane Katrina. Lakeshore Baptist Church. Everybody in the church loses everything they own. Many are dead. Many are missing. The church building is demolished, its steeple washed into the woods. THEY DIDN’T GIVE UP. (Gal. 6:9)

It would take me a month, it would be a book, to tell the whole story of our small parts in the recovery of Hurricane Katrina. That story pales in comparison to those of the local heroes who have carried and led the recovery these last seven years, not giving up.

Part of a July 2012 Delivery CitiIMPACT was able to make because of generous partners to this still-recovering community.

Today’s post was prompted in my heart by this, a blog by Michele Cushatt. I got to know Michele while working with Michael Hyatt on his Platform Book launch team. After reading this earlier today, I received a message from Pastor Don Elbourne down at Lakeshore Baptist Church near Waveland, Mississippi, in Bay St Louis, Mississippi. He was merely thanking us..and you who partner with us..for a couple of semi loads of supplies we shipped in there last month. Yes, 7 years later, and they are still leading the recovery for their community. They are about to begin their own church building next year, after years of working in the community for recovery. Once in a while, someone like this church, just stands out in the commitment to go the distance, not giving up.

Lakeshore Baptist before Katrina

Watch for more soon as we’ll be helping them with another house project and the rebuilding of their own church building Lakeshore Baptist Church. One of the many sites we were able to help as they led their communities to recovery after Katrina in 2005-2012. Pastor Don assisted me in a memorial service there for a man across the street, Wilbur Lafleur, who lost his wife in the surging Katrina waters. Many volunteers helped us rebuild the home of Wilbur. Lakeshore Baptist will be building back, 12 feet off the ground. Watch for more on this story as we partner with them, still. It’s our honor & very humbling that all of YOU are part of the process with us with people like this.

CitiIMPACT helped set up the first relief station on Lakeshore Road at the site of the Baptist Church, as they led the recovery.

On October 29, 1941, U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill visited Harrow School to to hear the traditional songs he had sung there as a youth, as well as to speak to the students. When he was invited to give a speech, Churchill stood before the students and said,“Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give up. Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.”

When have you been tempted to give up? When did you persevere and not give up? What helpful hints to you have for others?

YOU can help others. You CAN! Blessings, JD Smith

2 Who are Putting Hearts Out There

Two recent stories caught my attention of people putting their hearts out there. They both gave me, JD, some inspiration to throw it out there again!

1. Lolo Jones of the 2012 Olympic Games, “When you put your heart out there, obviously, it opens you up to a lot of negativity. At the same time, if I can just maybe reach somebody out there…I hope my story can give somebody hope. There are lessons to be learned in winning and in losing.” 

She was commenting on negativity in press towards her. She worked 6 days a week for 4 years for 12 seconds of a race.
Who can I open up to today to maybe, just maybe, reach for a better future?
See More HERE.
2. Shaun King of HOPE MOB, “Every now and then I have to lay it all on the line and pour my heart out.  This is one of those times.  For the next few days I am perfectly willing to make a complete fool of myself begging and pleading for your help.  What we have means that much to me and hope it will mean that much to you.”
See More HERE
 In all of our lives we’ll find moments, if not years, of turmoil, strife, hardship, misunderstandings and worse sometimes.
In all these we have the great opportunity to press on with hard work, make courageous decisions and when necessary move up or on.
These 2 stories alone show us there is a pathway to renewal through faith and hope that inspires us. We can inspire others, too!
What are some instances you have been inspired? What are ways you can inspire others?
Blessings, JD 

Gold Medal Values

There are some pretty valuable pieces of hardware being given out at the 2012 Olympics this summer. Surely, those of only Michael Phelps and Missy Franklin are high dollar value!

The composite of the this year’s Summer Olympic gold medal is 92.5 percent silver and 1.34 percent gold, with the rest copper. Their actual cash value for the materials is about $620.82 according to Lear Capital. And that isn’t the most valuable they’ve ever been just for their composite materials! Of course, if an Olympic medal is ever sold or auctioned, they can fetch far more than the value of their component metals. That’s because they have extrinsic value. And for some athletes, that extrinsic value translates into actual hard cash when they win. Many will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses for winning for their countries a Gold Medal. Others will receive untold amounts in endorsement fees, etc., as referenced in this BBC article.

We all have valuable pieces of our lives that lead to sustainability, progress and multiplication. We’ll call those Core Values. They are Gold Medals of our lives as we live by them. Their intrinsic and actual values grow over time. Some would offer that they are far more valuable than precious metals.

Knowing What and Who you stand for, your Core Values, keeps you guided, on track, as well as guard you from any attack to distract you.

A way to do that is to write it down and truly review it from time to time.

Another way to instill those Core Values deeply is to share them with others.

We’ve all heard it said that if you don’t stand for something that you’ll fall for anything.

Here are some values important to how we operate our missions, ministries and life.

1. Praying in faith believing the Lord answers
2. Acknowledging Scripture as infallible
3. Caring for one another
4. Loving others unconditionally
5. Respecting the worth of every person
6. Serving others in honor of the Lord, expecting nothing in return
7. Striving for excellence in everything to bring the Lord glory
8. Living and serving above reproach
9. Advocating for and responding to those in need, practically and spiritually
10. Unifying in inter-denominational, multi-ethnic, multi-generational, across socio-economic & other divisional partitions; real and perceived
11. Assisting and serving local church congregations, businesses, civic groups, schools and others groups since they are the most able to lead their communities
12. Building collaborations that do more together than separately
13. Engendering evangelism, expanding discipleship, multiplying Christians by building confidence for people in their destiny with the Lord
14. Praising the Lord for His mighty exploits He does through the hands of people

Although we’ll not be able to reach a perfect score or perfection, we surely strive to achieve our Goals, our Core Values.

What are the Core Values of your life? How have they guided and guarded you?

Blessings. JD

PS. I’m looking for some Virtual Assistants. If you’re interested, contact me.

4 Keys to 11 Years.

Cute picture makes moving look fun. HA!

11 Years ago today, August 2, 2001, we finished loading up the U-Haul truck in Charleston, West Virginia (from our house we could see the WV state capitol building) as my little family moved to the Charlotte, North Carolina area.

My wife and 9 month old baby boy drove on ahead of me that day. The next day, August 3rd, I drove the U-Haul down to meet them where new friends met us to help unload. Tomorrow, August 3, 2012, we have a little celebration lunch in honor of how the Lord has not only sustained us thus far, but on all the miraculous ways He has thousands GOING, too!

Surely there have been many times to remember why we went that help us not be fatigued or shattered in the processes of life. We went because we vetted out various ways we heard the Lord say, “GO!” Just over a month after we moved, the horrors of 911 occurred reshaping millions. if not all, of American lives.

West Virginia State Capitol

Charlotte Motor Speedway

Like many people before us, we were pretty sure we knew what “GO!” meant. It probably meant at least something of what we thought, yet, it surely has meant a whole lot more. I’m not sure we ever have seen exactly what we thought it meant, though, as that is probably still a work in progress. One thing of many we have witnessed as we did our “GO!” is how literally thousands are “GOING!”, “GONE”, or will “GO!” with us!

This week, our CitiIMPACT Missions ministry released a summary of the 2012 Summer Missions thus far. Few of those involved in 2012 were even in our spheres of influence in 2001. Back in West Virginia where we first started, we were handing off missions ministries to inner-city families and a church plant to local folks and churches in 2001. Later this year, we’ll continue to “GO!” as we take another step in Liberia for starting schools, churches and rescuing families with their children.

4 Keys we’ve learned, each category of which could be its own book if expounded.

1. DON’T presume you know all of the story the Lord has unfolding in your life. He’ll likely as not show you just what you need to know while giving you enough faith to step out and “GO!”. After all, if we knew everything ahead of time, is there any faith in that?

2. DO know that the Lord is always with you, as He tells you to “GO!”

3. DON’T be surprised or alarmed when your best laid plans go wrong. It’s no shock to Him, and He has a better plan anyway.

4. DO remember that you’re going to serve at the will and pleasure of the Lord. This isn’t about us at all. It’s all about Him and His getting more souls rescued.

American, and other nations, athletes get up and get going to train, with persistence, for the Olympics. I hope you’ve experience many of their great stories as they have moved past often being SHATTERED to victorious celebrations. Our family sure has! Like them, we all need to get GOING sometimes. Focus on hearing the “GO!” from the Lord first and foremost!

Experience has taught us many things, as it does all of us, so we know that when we GO with God, we’ll experience more than we know how to think or ask! 

When has the Lord told you to “GO!” and how did you see Him work in your life?

Blessings! JD Smith

PS. I’m looking for a Virtual Assistant (part-time). Contact me if you are interested.

PS 2. Sign up to get this BLOG and follow along regularly. Our first E-BOOK will be your gift for doing so.

SHATTERED! 2 Stark Images

Two stark images have occurred the last few days that have caused me to reflect on the seeming inevitability of being SHATTERED, and a few steps to moving on.

1. Last Friday, on a normal summer day, a quick storm formed at our home in North Carolina. Literally in minutes strong winds had blown through our neighborhood, toppling some trees, ripping off limbs and overturning outdoor furniture. Mild obviously in comparison to tornadoes or hurricanes, this was a stark reminder of how quickly life can turn upside down. Our outdoor patio table was shattered, along with the umbrella.

2. Over the weekend Jordyn Wieber, a favorite to win the all-around gymnast at the 2012 Olympics was narrowly eliminated from even having the opportunity to be in the competition. Her dreams and aspirations up to that moment in time were shattered. She has had great accomplishments, will have more of course, and yet, the stark reality of not being able to realize her goal was emotionally devastating.

Reflecting on these unconnected events, my heart went out to millions of people whose dreams have been shattered, whose possessions have been shattered or whose lives have taken horrific losses in loved ones’ deaths or relational losses. Here are a few musings about all of that.

1. Recognize the shattered situation for all that it is. Do your best to not make more or less of it than the shattering really is. It can be big for sure, though, and don’t deny that for yourself or others.

2. Grieve or mourn appropriately. Allow yourself to have the emotions. It’s healthy and necessary to process our feelings. Get comfort from those who can comfort you. Respond appropriately to the situation as you move forward.

3. Get in context for the whole of your life what has just happened. It’s terrible to be shattered. It’s possible to regroup. It’s possible there are better things. It’s realistic that sometimes the shattered things or situations will never be fixed. Remember the good things more than the shattering.

4. Clean up the mess. I had to clean up that messy glass on the deck. Now a slightly newer, though used, table is in its place. Yet, cleaning up the mess was no fun. It was work. I had to do it. Sometimes we need help, like my family helping me with the table. Ms. Wieber has put in her work as she moves forward in the Olympics; work overcoming disappointment, and work towards the team’s next steps.

5. Realize that as we live, these things happen; shattering of hopes or dreams or situations or things. We’re not alone in being shattered. Reach out to others with hope and help.

6. Focus on the next thing. After devastation is the new reality, the new thing in front of us. Make that the best it can be.

7. Focus on the main thing. Our eternal destiny is much more than this temporal joy or pain we experience. For eternity we can be able to sing the praises day and night of a God who is Mercy and whose mercies are new every morning and all the time. 1 Chronicles 9:33 

How have you overcome shattering events or circumstances in your life? How have you helped others overcome?


Still today. “SHATTERED” tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’m posting an article called: “SHATTERED!”


Today though, I replaced “SHATTERED” with this important post by Michael Hyatt on Stillness.  Our increasingly darkening world needs for Christians to not only be intentional in Sabbath, but also in Stillness and/or Contemplation.

We’ll be better instruments of Grace for the disciplines exercised & gifts received.



Oh So Weary

OLYMPICS are officially starting today in London and just perhaps we’ll all be able to relax just a little from all the horror stories of the world, focusing on something that is mostly unifying. Yes, the Olympics are unifying even in competition. They are a fabulous way to see that we can all get along when we decide to not be weary in doing good. Over the years we’ve all got memories of Olympic events that even unite us around our homes and families.

Similarly, our lives are all full of activities and challenges that can cause environments of weariness. How can we help but be weary sometimes? It’s a common-to-humankind problem.

Church, which by the way IS THE PEOPLE may be feeling weary these days with all the push-back on Christian values while looking for fruitful harvest.

That certainly gets discussed in my mind  and heart, oh, about once a week.

It’s good to remember that we’re not the judge of anyone. There is a judge for sure and He made pathways of Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness for us all. Of course, His Name is Jesus Christ. He made a decision to do that for us. He decided it is all about the harvest, harvest of souls.

We ARE to be instruments of grace. Build some margins, take care of yourself spiritually & naturally & move forward! We can decide to follow Jesus like that, yes continue to make those decisions. Press forward with new energy, intentional on not becoming weary, focused on the harvest of souls.

As leaders of our families, businesses, ministries, communities and…well you get the circles of your influence…following are a few quotes to help us along. These are helpful for everyone, Christian or not!

1. Galatians 6:8-10 “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

2. Hebrews 12:3 “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

3. Matthew 11:28 ““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

4. Revelation 2:3 “You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.”

How are YOU avoiding the weariness? How do you respond when YOU are feeling weary? Send us a note, we’d love to hear your experiences!

Blessings for your weekend. Find your Sabbath, avoid weariness. Press on! JD

PS I’m searching for a Virtual Assistant, working 5-10 hours per week. If you are interested or know someone, contact me. Thanks!

2 Questions Get GO out of GrOan

Once in a while I see something that is simple, yet, probes the depths of who we are and gets the GO out front of our GrOan.

Asking the right questions is crucial for leaders. Many times the questions you are asking are way more important than the answers or solutions you are giving.

I read the following from a post by Brad Lomenick. It’s seriously good enough stuff to get the process rolling. and fits in quite nicely with EVERY conversation I’ve had with leaders, wanna-be and supposed-to-be leaders in the last few ..uh…forever. HA! Some days that’s me, too.

“I was reminded of two crucial questions for leaders when recently reading an article by Alan Webber, co-founder of Fast Company. Alan talks at length about these 2 questions in his book Rules of Thumb. These are crucial questions for leaders to answer, both for themselves as well as the organizations they lead.

1. What keeps you up at night? This one is a familiar question for most leaders. What makes you cry? What makes you mad? What are the things that nag at you? This question has to do with what you are passionate about. What are the problems in the world you want to help solve? Usually the things that keep us up can be incredibly frustrating to us until we get them solved.

2. What gets you up in the morning? This one is less familiar to most of us, but probably even more important. What keeps you and your team committed? Engaged and excited? This question has more to do with purpose. Do you look forward to jumping in to the career or current job you have on a daily basis? Especially as things get tougher and more demanding than ever, we need to make sure we are laser focused and determined and locked in on what motivates and drives us.”

In all sincerity, spend enough time thinking, praying & getting wise counsel on these two questions. Jeremiah 33:3 is one place where God says to us that He’ll answer when we cry out, with things we do not even know could be answers. This whole concept of hearing God clearly was well expounded years ago by Henry  Blackaby in his book, “Experiencing God“.

What ARE your answers as you GO more than GrOan?

6 Ways to Live Beyond Aurora and Penn State Horrors

Simply, there is no undoing what has been wrongly done, including the wrongs done in these two situations in Aurora and at Penn State. Yet, we all live in the present as we look to the future. There are few vacuums these days where information does not seep its way into our lives, so how do we turn the corners in these situations as individuals, communities, a culture and a nation?

1. Grieve and Mourn. The families of course must grieve. As a nation we should be grieving as well as more innocence has been lost along with the lives. The time has come right now to mourn with those who mourn. Moving forward requires assessing the present realities of the new normal. That doesn’t mean giving in to fear and violence, rather seeking solutions that exhibit bravery and peace. At the same time, some merit of justice is sought. 

2. Challenge the status quo. Do not let fear from any source overcome or overwhelm you. The status quo often is to give in to fear and anger. Speak truth and life into all those who are around you. When you can, do it with actions and words. These days many would have us all succumb to fear. It need not be so. We can overcome evil with good and fear with faith. Stories like these give us encouragement to challenge fear: Marie’s Story & Petra’s Miracle.

3. Don’t give up on people. Grace abounds. Let it be so with us towards others. Always not only hold hope for people, but give them a chance to experience hope.  Forgive. Then you can be ready to give more grace. Forgetting is another matter obviously. How can we forget the tragedies of Aurora or Penn State. Perhaps it’s best we DON”T forget, but take proactive steps to avoid such horrors. Forgiving sets us all free, while justice is still enacted.

Although this story in the video link about Jason McElway isn’t about horrors like in Aurora or Penn State, it is about a young man, autistic, who had suffered in areas of his life. His coach did not give up on him. We can find others to press and push forward who need Hope and Help. Jason McElway Hope Story Such acts of trust free us from living in horrors of the day for the rest of our lives.

4. Refuse to live with offense. Even known betrayal can only stop grace if you live in it. So. let’s not live out our lives in the betrayal of others or promote it accidentally. Let’s move towards the grace and justice issues that must and do come when such horrors are perpetrated. This will allow us all  to live beyond the horrors of life.

5. Leave people better than we find them. Moving past horrors often is accomplished more quickly when we can begin again to find people to help. People have real problems and few of us have to look far to find someone to help. It’s therapeutic to give hope and help to someone who is hurting or in need. Just as we begin to feel the comforts of others and the Lord in our own sorrows and horrors, that sensation and reality can multiply as we reach out to others.

6. Cause people to love Jesus more when you leave them. I wanted to add this one into the discussion. At the core of who we are to be on this earth we find that reflecting Jesus to others is a most satisfying, healing and releasing element of our humanity. Our mission of activities to help others will lead others it’s so attractive. Lead well towards Grace, Peace, Mercy and Love…best exemplified by Jesus Christ.

A famous line from the movie Braveheart  was,“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” 

A persons natural life may be taken, In faith we can find freedom that goes beyond the natural life and the circumstances of this life on earth. Encourage one another to focus on the life of faith where peace can be found that surpasses understanding, even in the midst of horrors. Live FREE.

Always look for the story line: “But God!” What does that mean? you ask. It means that God has an ultimate plan that cannot be thwarted or fail. Reliance upon Him brings that peace He grants, no matter the horrors of the days we live.

See the future..hard as it is in a season of horror…do not compromise. Period. Be true to the Creator God and His son Jesus Christ, which will led us to be true to ourselves. Therein we shall altogether find HOPE and PEACE.

What are some ways that you and your family are processing living beyond the horrors of Aurora, Penn State and other such tragedies?

Blessings, JD Smith





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Our web server is down & our emails tied to it.
We processed over 700 emails yesterday which is unrelated to this.
We’ll be back patient with us.
Improving for the future takes a little unexpected pain today. 🙁
hmmm………………………………………….HOPE REMAINS!

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