2 Steps to Refreshing Rivers


Waiting for God to “fill you up” with something or some things? (Isaiah 43:18,19)
1. Let go of the past. Press on.

2. Some find it refreshing when they give out all that He has already given them. That seems to make room for the New Thing or Things.

IE: Willamette River in Oregon seems to be refreshing & life-giving as it flows….
Thousands of volunteers for missions have allowed CitiIMPACT Missions to serve & connect them to meaningful sustainable projects for Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer Breaks.
People who fall through the cracks are who we serve together in multiple states.
SCHEDULE NOW: Click to sign up to help and give out what God has given you. He’ll replenish everything for you!

When have your experienced the flow of God’s refreshing living water? I’d love to hear your story!

John 7:38 “38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

Blessings, JD Smith



Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”
I’m doing a Reblog from our CitiIMPACT Missions today com as it tied in perfectly to a few things I was going to write today in general.
Over the years we’ve been involved in missions and ministry, we have often seen that “a whole lot of nothing” often stands in the way of “a whole lot of something”.
Many non-Christians have to witness in-fighting between territorial missions and churches, even disaster response groups, that don’t reflect a lot of love or unity.
Truly, the Great “I AM” clearly wanted us to all be the “WE ARE” in Him. John 17 in the Holy Bible is clear on this.
Undeniably so much of how the non-Christian world operates and thinks has far too long invaded the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church, His Kingdom. It’s important to remember that He is the head of The Church.

How now then shall we live? How now then DO we live?

Let’s press on to the high mark of His calling and allow the Great I AM to lead us into being the WE ARE that He intends. I’m quite sure we’ll see more fruit that remains in all categories of life when together we reach for and share the fruit together. UBUNTU!

Blessings to you! JD Smith

Opportunities for Fall

Later this week, I’ll give you some updates on our foreign missions and church planting initiatives.
Along with a perspective from nearly two weeks on the ground in Hurricane Isaac, my next post will share some insights garnered from partnerships developed over the last two decades serving in compassion ministries, including disaster zones, with nearly 200,000 volunteers.

Until then:
Sign up your teams for volunteerism!
Donate your time, talent and treasure to assist others in need.
Pray for those around you who don’t know Christ in this tumult filled world.

JD Smith
CitiIMPACT Missions

HOPE Goes Too Far

Can we possibly go too far with HOPE? Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” 

Still under water after 10 days. Thousands need HOPE. www.CitiIMPACT.org

What is in our hands and hearts to give is freely received, so we freely give. Therein lies peace and freedom for both the giver and recipient.

Follow these links for stories and photos of people reaching out to one another with HOPE:

HOPE 1    HOPE 2     HOPE 3    HOPE 4

West St. John’s Parish High School Volleyball Team helps their community in crisis. You can too! www.CitiIMPACT.org

Videos (short) of people helping in Louisiana for Hurricane ISAAC    #1  #2   #3   #4

Thank you for giving freely in times of distress and disaster of your HOPE, LOVE, MERCY and GRACE; in the forms of volunteerism, materials and finances.

Together we’re serving in multiple states for disaster recovery this year, including now Louisiana and Mississippi for Hurricane Isaac.

YOU are exhibiting the Care, Concern, Counsel and Comfort as Christ did and does for others.

How can we connect you to be the HOPE & HELP people need in Christ’s Name? How have you connected?

May God richly bless you again and again. JD Smith

4 Means of Dignity in Disasters like ISAAC

More UPDATES on Disaster Mission for ISAAC, Click HERE 

Ground Personnel related to CitiIMPACT Safe at this hour. 7:00 EST

Some are evacuated near Plaquemines Parrish & St. Bernard.

We’ll update you with our plan for Rescue, Relief and Recovery as soon as safe to deploy. 

New Orleans, Waveland, Biloxi, Gulfport, HoumaHurricane Katrina 7 YEAR

August 29, 2005 to August 29, 2012 

BACK in NEWS with Hurricane ISAAC coming to shore on the anniversary of Katrina.

This clip still tells the tale for the region, then and now. Pray.

Everybody needs help sometime. Everybody can help.


INFO for our Disaster Missions in general HERE.

To Help with a Volunteer Team: CLICK HERE


Jesus Christ reveals 4 Means of Dignity during Disasters. 

He Mitigates the storms, Ministers Mercy, Multiplies disciples, Magnifies His Name.

These 4 Means of Grace He inspires in all of us reflect who He is, bringing dignity to our fellow citizens, as we carry them out.

Let our voices ring with praise even in times of disaster!

How can we help you? Blessings, JD

ISAAC may bring Misery. You CAN bring HOPE.


I S A A C !!!

On the MOVE..whole Gulf Coast on ALERT. PRAY.
It’s ONLY just begun. YOU HELP IS NEEDED……..PLEASE be READY. (click)

Our Disaster Ministries at CitiIMPACT are staged in multiple states with partners & collaborations ready to HELP with HOPE, from Florida to Texas. 


Supplies and Donations ALL NEEDED

The people can do this. THEY CAN!


You CAN!



“Breaking News!”

A rare moment at home last week, my wife and I watched the early evening “NEWS” on a major network. The news anchor led with three stories; fire, war, and west Nile virus. We looked at one another at the same moment with “WOW!” 

“Luke 21:10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

A quick glimpse at the Headline News on my computer shows a sports hero giving up his battle to prove himself clean of drugs, multiple shooting near the Empire State Building, tropical storms like Isaac, continuing wars, and West Nile Virus

You’ll hear me talk a lot about getting ready for disasters. That’s part of our ministry, missions at CitiIMPACT. (follow stories here and here of what folks like you are doing)

Today, short and sweet for you all. Get Ready. Now you can not say you were not told how to prepare for Peace as the Prince of Peace is closer to coming than ever before. PASS IT ON! In this day and time, don’t presume everybody knows. I won’t.

John 3:16-17 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

You don’t have to answer any of my questions. You’ll only have to answer to the Lord. I encourage you get the HOPE all have available and if you have found it, be ready to share it!

Blessings, JD

Why Networking Isn’t Enough

Thanks Michelle Cushatt for this great reminder to be in touch with humanity as we press to connect to humanity electronically. Michelle Cushatt BLOG

Relationships do lead the process of life, perhaps they are the process of life.
JD Smith

5 Sure CHANGE Steps

School has started again in much of the USA & other parts of the world. That sure brings CHANGE. Today though, I’m sharing about CHANGE that is more impacting.

Inevitable, Embrace, Exasperating, Endure, Engineer, Equip, Excel

In our home CHANGE has from time to time been a little more drastic, whether chosen by us, or imposed upon us. How about you?

When we can make a CHANGE or sense a CHANGE in direction, life, occupation, ministry or mission; there are many ways we can vet that process for decisions. Here are 5 we use frequently.

1. Prayer. I’ve found far too often that it seems easier to do a lot of planning and programming, then pray it all works. That is opposed to praying first for divine guidance in my thoughts and heart for decisions concerning CHANGE. Move towards prayer first!

2.The Church. In lives involved more overtly in vocational ministry or missions, it’s pretty easy to see or say how the Church has an impact on decisions. Allowing ourselves to be submitted to those in authority over us is more intense than just speaking it when CHANGE is needed or desired. Those who are not so-called vocational ministers should also be able to find sound counsel in Church for CHANGE.

3.The Holy Bible. God does speak still today through His Holy Bible. The Bible is chocked full of great examples of men, women and even children making decisions towards CHANGE. We may not find the exact example we face, but we can sure read how leaders, and followers, made decisions for CHANGE. Jeremiah 33:3. “Call to me and I will answer you..”

4.The Holy Spirit. God has given us a great gift of the Holy Spirit who when allowed will guide us into the next right step. He will also help us avoid the next wrong step. Both of these potential steps are critical when we are in the processes of CHANGE.

5. Circumstances.Come on, let’s face the facts. Our humanity is often much moved in CHANGE through circumstances. We have a brain that is given to us to discern and make good decisions. Recognizing the signs around us called circumstances is not to be missed when making decisions for CHANGE.

You are NOT Alone.

Well, there you go, a first piece for you of how to outline your next decision for CHANGE. Next week, I’ll add in some more particular steps for us all.

Oh, by the way, YOU are NOT the only person or family in the world going into CHANGE. You’re probably not the only one on your block. Take some solace in that we are all in this together!

What decisions have you made or need to make where some of these elements have helped to guide you? How can I pray for you about the CHANGE you are trying to sort out right now?

Just click the button on the left to sign up for these posts which I make a couple of times a week, and I’ll send you some great FREE COFFEE ! 🙂

Back to School? Already?!!


Sometimes the best post I can write has been written. READ IT HERE!


Yes Back to School is a Bitter and Sweet Time.

Starting A School for Liberian Kids!

What are your experiences? You can read their story as they help others:

How will you help someone go to school today changing their family’s destiny?

Blessings, JD Smith