Last FREE DAY: No excuses left.

PLATFORM Get Noticed in a Noisy World 
Click to read this review by Ron Edmondson. and HERE for others, including mine.

A review by JD Smith
CitiIMPACT Ministries
BUY IT. But wait until you check this out:

After years of ministry, mission & business experiences; PLATFORM by Michael Hyatt has brought a crystal perspective of the “platform” of this reviewer’s life. Moving forward & building upon the platform of one’s life is the hidden gift within the book.
The building planks mentioned in PLATFORM can be as intentional as possible, yet, move from organized platforming by intention to an organic life sustaining paradigm. Therein is the beauty of the writing coming from Mr. Hyatt’s lifetime of experiences. Simply, it works.
‘”works” is the key word here.
First, you all have far more platform than you may think, seriously no pun intended.
Second, I get to interface daily with many people who want to be on a “team”, who want to be representing many great things, or doing great things. The reality is that many of them don’t or won’t do the “work” more than they “can’t”.
All that said, take my positive INTENT, you DO have more platform already than you may yourself give credit for. For some of you, maybe me too, this learning forum provided by Mr. Hyatt is instrumental in revealing your personal or other life platform AND providing essential building blocks (planks) to build a healthy sustainable platform.
Get your PLATFORM analyzed or going & launch or re-launch STRONG!
It works, you can too!

JD Smith
NOW for WOW!

Wow #1. We’re ALL serious about our vision & dreams going someplace; or having a dream & vision. RIGHT ?

I highly recommend that you get this book NOW!!!

PLATFORM, the book, is launching! 
I’ve been humbled to serve on Michael Hyatt’s PLATFORM book launch team. It’s been an incredible learning & affirming experience. For years sometimes we’ll wonder about the fulfillment of our dreams and visions.
Michael has brought his years of broad knowledge to the table for all of us. He is guiding us through practical and thoughtful applications of not only building a “platform”, but how to go far beyond that. 
This book is super-packed with the answers to turn your vision that makes people say, “WOW!”, into reality.
You’ll get power packed & paced implementation information on WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY; many answers like you’ve rarely or maybe never seen before……..except in the Holy Bible.
Here is a simple quote from the book, which applies to every aspect of life & ministry:

Wow #2. June will be a significant month of LAUNCH around CitiIMPACT Ministries. 
I’m playing a little on words and names here, but seriously DO watch for this LAUNCH forward.
You’ll learn that after many years of wondering about how to best help many we meet who want to LAUNCH ministries, plant churches, become missionaries, and improve their significance in reaching their goals, we have put together collaborations that will essentially propel you into your implementation of your vision & dream.
One significant source is listed in this post, Michael Hyatt’s new book PLATFORM.
After its LAUNCH next week, watch closely for next steps.
You’ll want to follow Bridging HOPE on twitter and CitiIMPACT, too.

Wow #3. Here’s a way to get in on a chance to acquire a free copy of this book, PLATFORM, from me in three simple steps: 

1-Post to twitter about the book including at least ALL of the following:   
” @CitiIMPACT Find your PLATFORM @michaelhyatt #PlatformBook “

2-Reply to this blog post with the reason why you want the book.

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A TIME TO BUILD..A call to help.

Ecclesiastes 3:3


People need you, YOU are HOPE to them:

JOPLIN MO area: 

HENRYVILLE IN area: Billy Graham & 

West Liberty KY area:
Woodward OK area: 

Dallas TX area: 


Liberia is calling for our help! Did YOU eat today?

Liberia is calling for our help. Be YOUR part of HOPE in sustainable holistic transformation.
read on for more information and pass it on!






CitiIMPACT has been speaking to Rev. Jervis Witherspoon of Liberia.  He is the Spiritual Advisor to President Ellen Johnston (also a Christian) and extremely admired in his country.  Rev. Witherspoon has invited us to come to meet with himself and the President to discuss ways we can work together in bridging hope to the children of Liberia.  We are making plans to do this within the next few months.  If you feel led to give towards this vital mission please do so now HERE.
Rev. Witherspoon emphasized the need for jobs and access to solid education.
We are exploring ways to develop sustainable food sources that can be grown and sold locally, rather than continuing to foster their dependence on imported rice.   There are various models of micro farms and veggie tunnels that we will discuss with the government while in Liberia.
The government has no money to pay teachers, so there is little public education.  Parents who do have any income, have been forced to choose to buy food or pay for an education of their children.   This is where we come in. 
Through Rosetta (click here to see her story)  we have been connected with local pastors who are identifying children for us to sponsor.  For $35 a month you can send a child in Liberia to school, pay for their uniforms, shoes, supplies, feed their entire family, AND bridge HOPE to the community through holistic missions.  Please just fill out the form on the donate page with information on age and or sex of child(ren) you would like to sponsor.  We will then send you their name, birthday, school and family bio so you can pray and write to them. 
PARTIES With a Purpose:
Consider hosting a party in your home.  Think of the parties we women have that sell house wares or jewelry.  Now think of the same food and fellowship except instead of feeling obligated to buy something frivolous that you will rarely use, you are GIVEN an opportunity to CHANGE a life.  A chance to live beyond your own life and make a lasting difference in a child, a school, a church, a country.   We’ve been doing these in the Charlotte area for a few months.  Rosetta herself is sharing and they have been very moving and IMPACTING.  If you are near Charlotte and would want to host one contact  If you are outside this area we can still set you up with videos, pamphlets, and all info needed.
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Pastors in Liberia typically make about $60 a month. Most don’t have transportation and travel by foot for hours to minister to their congregants. Please consider sponsoring an indigenous pastor so that he may in return minister more effectively. Other needs you can meet that will make a huge impact are motorcycles and laptop computers.
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Liberia denotes “liberty”.
It was colonized and founded by freed American Slaves.
That liberty was shattered in 1989 when civil war ravaged the country for 14 years killing over 200,000 people and destroying hospitals, infrastructure, and the economy.
Post war Liberia has the world’s worst unemployment rate of 85%.
The majority of the country exists on less than $12 a month.
Thousands of children are orphaned due to nonexistent healthcare, making them especially vulnerable to traffickers.
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  • Pray that your sponsored child might respond to God’s love and grace.
  • Ask God to guide your sponsored child as he or she learns, grows, and moves toward a future full of hope and possibilities.
  • Pray for God to protect the health of your sponsored child and his or her family.
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Help is THERE!

Woodward OK..You can Be Prepared

Blessings for all you have been to many hurting people with us at CitiIMPACT!


You are CitiIMPACT as you represent and thereby re-present   

Click HERE for a story of HOPE from our on-ground partner Elevate Life Church in Dallas TX as we partnered for tornado recovery: VIMEO

Cathedral of Frisco
Staging AID for Tornado Recovery
with CitiIMPACT 
Hope looks like YOU!

Isaiah 58:9-11

New International Version (NIV)
9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; 
   you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.

   “If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
   with the pointing finger and malicious talk,
10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
   and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
   and your night will become like the noonday.
11 The LORD will guide you always;
   he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
   and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
   like a spring whose waters never fail.
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Reports of HOPE from Dallas, Henryville, Liberia


Read below for HOPE
not only longed for, but,
through YOU!

Happy Easter from CitiIMPACT
HOPE comes from an empty tomb.

This past month through CitiIMPACT and our partners, that empty tomb’s hope and love have filled:
  • 8 semi loads of supplies to Henryville, IN;  West Liberty, KY; and Dallas, TX. 
  • 95 Easter Baskets for Kindergartners whose school was destroyed.
  • Over 600 volunteers with an unforgettable experience; serving  in the above areas as well as in Joplin, MO; Charlotte, NC; and Tuscaloosa, AL.  
  • Countless people touched, fed, clothed, housed . . . given HOPE!
Summer Mission Trips:  Disaster and Urban – Just a few days ago more powerful tornados struck areas surrounding Dallas.  CitiIMPACT is partnering with local churches and ministries to establish long term recovery efforts.  Let us know if your help is on the way.  Get in touch with us now to plan your summer mission trips.  Besides the above disaster recovery needs we also have team needs for Charlotte, NC doing camps for at-risk kids and in Louisville inner-city.

Love for Liberia
Look at these precious faces! These are some of CitiIMPACT’s sponsored children at school. Many more await the HOPE that comes throughsponsorship as most can’t afford to go to school.  The average Liberian makes less than $1 day.  Forming our team now for OCT 2012 LIBERIA. Need for pastors, teachers (starting our own school!), videographer.                                                                DONATE                                                                           
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Direct Response underway in Forney, Arlington & Lancaster with CitiIMPACT Partners with Local Churches in Dallas Metro Area as our on-the-ground Anchor Servant Leaders.
 Like Elevate Life Church

 This is how a child feels and expresses their emotion during horrific losses.

Adults respond much the same.

This is real life tragic loss…the pain of their losses can be felt by all of us.

We can respond with HOPE & HELP.


Join in with your HOPE & HELP today please.

CitiIMPACT’s Child Sponsorship Saves Children from everyday disastrous life AND gives them sustainable HOPE.
Be part today. CLICK HERE

A New Adventure Every Day

How can we at CitiIMPACT help YOU serve? Here is one example:

Operation New Adventure is helping many children:
“It all started as a simple idea. To get books into the hands of children whose families have been struck by tragedy. After just a few weeks of contacting local and national representatives, organizations and emergency personnel, we found CitiIMPACT Ministries and they were thrilled with the idea! 
As it would go, the day after we exchanged emails, tornadoes ravaged parts of the Midwest and Southern United States. Instead of receiving a phone call to come up with a plan for our idea, we received an email saying they could use books in Joplin, Henryville, and West Liberty within the week! Yikes!”

These great books, by the thousands, are being shipped now!

There are so many ways for you to help others in their times of distress.

You CAN be very effective in making a lasting positive IMPACT in the lives of hurting people in the USA & beyond.
Contact us today with your idea for helping others!

A day so nice..

On a day as nice as this…disaster can occur.
So we’re here helping prepare others.
Lead by local Christ-centered faithbased community we truly empower them to respond with excellence.

Indonesia Tsunami 2004 struck on a beautiful day…killing thousands ..

Get into the picture! Cause CHANGES.. 
Are you in this Volunteer Team picture? 


In the disasters of life, natural, economic, terrorism or others…YOU can make a lasting positive difference!

Be Willing…..Be There….Be HOPE…..

Psalm 71:5 “You (God) have been my hope.” West Liberty KY tornado. Represent & Re-Present Hope in Christ.
Here in West Liberty we’re dispatching supplies & volunteer teams working through a local coalition of churches who will serve together for years to come, leading the way for restoration of their communities.

Be the Change!    From Aaron, team leader from Texas Tech University
who served with CitiIMPACT in Joplin this month, 
“We are grateful for the connection you provided us and we are glad we were able

to participate in rebuilding Joplin, in a sense. Because honestly if you could not


the devastation with your eyes you would have not known it happened. the people

of Joplin were so friendly and full of spirit. The town has a rich and strong community

and culture and we were privileged to experience that.”

Over and over again we hear, “If we had only been prepared, we could have done more.” Just this morning the mayor of Scottsburg, IN, Bill Graham reiterated this to us; even as he serves thousands of people in a horrible situation all around Henryville.
You CAN be Prepared to receive help & give help in times of disaster…saving lives and restoring HOPE.

CitiIMPACT Ministries and its Affiliates are Christian Humanitarian & Missions organizations dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by taking action to solve the causes of poverty and injustice.  

Cause CHANGES           Bridge HOPE!

Support CitiIMPACT Ministries 
Bridge Brew FACEBOOK

CitiIMPACT Tri-State Long Term Recovery Disaster Relief underway.

Click here if you cannot see the post: CitiIMPACT Tri State Disaster Relief Long Term Recovery



Many of you have showed your help through prayers, donations, and serving.  Others have been waiting for the “marching orders”.
Well, we are ready for you now!  Teams are needed, skilled and non.  CitiIMPACT is coordinating jobs and housing. Sign up now for spring, summer, and beyond.
Specific need for those who can stay for two or more weeks to assist with admin, organization, distribution, cooking, and case management.  

Henryville, IN

CitiIMPACT is facilitating long term recovery efforts in  partnership with local churches across the area and other agencies serving in the region. Through this collaboration we have materials to build houses, huge warehouses for distribution, and millions worth of critical supplies.  
Join us in bridging HOPE to Henryville and the surrounding areas, over 53 miles of destruction.

West Liberty, KY

This town was devastated by multiple tornados.  All but three churches in the area were flattened. 
Through CitiIMPACT’s partnership with Index Community Church and many other local churches a Long Term Faith-based Recovery plan is in place with other collaborating entities for the entire area.

Learn More…                                        DONATE
Harrisburg, IL

Through our many partnerships and collaboration we are sending teams and supplies into this hard hit community. 

Learn More…                                                                      Like us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter