PLATFORM Get Noticed in a Noisy World
A review by JD Smith
CitiIMPACT Ministries
BUY IT. But wait until you check this out:
After years of ministry, mission & business experiences; PLATFORM by Michael Hyatt has brought a crystal perspective of the “platform” of this reviewer’s life. Moving forward & building upon the platform of one’s life is the hidden gift within the book.
The building planks mentioned in PLATFORM can be as intentional as possible, yet, move from organized platforming by intention to an organic life sustaining paradigm. Therein is the beauty of the writing coming from Mr. Hyatt’s lifetime of experiences. Simply, it works.
‘”works” is the key word here.
First, you all have far more platform than you may think, seriously no pun intended.
Second, I get to interface daily with many people who want to be on a “team”, who want to be representing many great things, or doing great things. The reality is that many of them don’t or won’t do the “work” more than they “can’t”.
All that said, take my positive INTENT, you DO have more platform already than you may yourself give credit for. For some of you, maybe me too, this learning forum provided by Mr. Hyatt is instrumental in revealing your personal or other life platform AND providing essential building blocks (planks) to build a healthy sustainable platform.
Get your PLATFORM analyzed or going & launch or re-launch STRONG!
It works, you can too!
JD Smith
NOW for WOW!
Wow #1. We’re ALL serious about our vision & dreams going someplace; or having a dream & vision. RIGHT ?
I highly recommend that you get this book NOW!!!
I’ve been humbled to serve on
Michael Hyatt’s PLATFORM book launch team. It’s been an incredible learning & affirming experience. For years sometimes we’ll wonder about the fulfillment of our dreams and visions.
Michael has brought his years of broad knowledge to the table for all of us. He is guiding us through practical and thoughtful applications of not only building a “platform”, but how to go far beyond that.
This book is super-packed with the answers to turn your vision that makes people say, “WOW!”, into reality.
You’ll get power packed & paced implementation information on
answers like you’ve rarely or maybe never seen before……..except in the
Holy Bible.Here is a simple quote from the book, which applies to every aspect of life & ministry:
Wow #2. June will be a significant month of LAUNCH around CitiIMPACT Ministries. I’m playing a little on words and names here, but seriously DO watch for this LAUNCH forward.You’ll learn that after many years of wondering about how to best help many we meet who want to LAUNCH ministries, plant churches, become missionaries, and improve their significance in reaching their goals, we have put together collaborations that will essentially propel you into your implementation of your vision & dream.
One significant source is listed in this post, Michael Hyatt’s new book PLATFORM.
After its LAUNCH next week, watch closely for next steps.
You’ll want to follow
Bridging HOPE on twitter and
CitiIMPACT, too.
Wow #3. Here’s a way to get in on a chance to acquire a free copy of this book, PLATFORM, from me in three simple steps:
1-Post to twitter about the book including at least ALL of the following: ” @CitiIMPACT Find your PLATFORM @michaelhyatt #PlatformBook “
2-Reply to this blog post with the reason why you want the book.