Your Ministry..

Tornado Relief
Ohio, Alabama, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee

You all have heard of the severe weather outbreak and tornadoes from Friday.   Much of the eastern half of the country experienced this first hand.  Our scouts and first responders are busy assessing the multiple areas hit including towns and cities in six states.  We will have staging areas and distribution sites identified in the coming days and will be ready to have teams.  Trucks are on standby for delivery.  

Here is how you and your church can respond:
  • SEND a Team (First responders, chainsaw, skilled  are first wave.  Non skilled to follow by weeks end.)
  • PRAY – asking special prayers for a baby found in a field 10 miles from where she lived, she is in critical condition.  Her parents and two siblings didn’t survive. Many others are also seriously injured, homeless and hurting.
  • GIVE – your DONATION is critical to ongoing relief and recovery.
  • Connect us to people in your community needing help and currently helping (churches).
  • Become Prepared in your community:  Disaster Preparedness Training
Even prior to this latest outbreak, CitiIMPACT had multiple teams on the ground.  All are safe.  Hundreds of college students will be volunteering their spring break weeks in Joplin, Tuscaloosa, and Charlotte with CitiIMPACT.  What an honor to serve them as they serve.  Keep them in your prayers.  

If marked “2012 Tornado Relief”, 100% of donation will go towards relief, recovery, and restoration.  Money is multiplied through our many partnerships and gift-in-kind donations.
CitiIMPACT is a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation.  You will receive a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the year.

Serving with you, still.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


JD and Toni Smith


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Church has ended?

Matthew 16:18 “..the gates of hell will not overcome it (the church)” because You are the Church, anchored in Christ alone. It’s Him! Yay!

This church building was destroyed in hurricane Katrina. THE CHURCH, the people are still there today! (much different building though)
The church building that this sign went to was torn down a few years ago & rebuilt for its 90th anniversary. The people, THE CHURCH, have planted out across the country BEING THE CHURCH. One of those was my father, a pastor when he was alive on earth. Pretty sure that CHURCH continues where it counts, the PEOPLE.

People, you ARE the


YOU are IN-LINE Church Bridging HOPE

More than a church. 
                       More than an online church.

It’s YOU!!
                  Church IN-LINE with reality!
Where it matters most…
where YOU ARE!!!

The world will know we are Christians by our LOVE for each other. 

Together we can go from:
 “I want to Believe”
with others to:



                  JOIN IT-HOPE!

Multiplying Your Influence

We love to see churches, ministries & people BE their most effective on the mission of their vision. They reveal the Glory of God working in & through them, and their lives are fruitful & fulfilling. 

This link has more information & definition:
Here is a brief recap:

A. There are 8 universal Quality Characteristics that are measurable in multiplying churches & ministries. They are:
1-Empowering Leadership
2-Gift-based Ministry
3-Passionate Spirituality
4-Effective Structures
5-Inspiring Worship
6-Holistic Small Groups
7-Needs-oriented Evangelism
8-Loving Relationships

B.  Like people, churches grow all by themselves. Mark 4:28 However, CitiIMPACT can help you discover how the 8 Quality Characteristics above combine in the following 6 principles, or growth forces, to connect to the “all by itself” growth that is exponential. These 6 principles are interwoven into the 8 adjectives above:


3-Energy Transformation

Getting things moving forward can sometimes come down to getting our hands dirty! 
We are willing with you to Just Do It and BE it!

Let’s discover together how you, your church or ministry can implement an action process that yields more Christians & Disciples!

Contact me today!
JD Smith

Celebrating their school!
Liberia children sponsored through
CitiIMPACT Ministries

You did this: Who?
each sponsor, 
every pray-er, 
every sender, 
every go-er.
Be blessed as you bless.
JD Smith