At this time of year the world, not just America or your neighborhood or CitiIMPACT, is focused one way or another upon the long ago first arrival of Jesus Christ. See our video thank you for 2012 and read on please!
His arrival was highly regarded at the time, rightly so, to be the Messiah; the long-awaited HOPE. Enslaved, impoverished, forsaken, and forgotten people hoped against hope with the seeds of faith they had for a soon coming King who would free them. He was also highly hated by those who saw the reality of His power and love, and the threat He posed to their established control.
So much like He always does, the only true and living God looked past the cries of the people for hope, and granted HOPE! He granted through His son Jesus Christ eternal HOPE well past any temporal hope they may have desired, and temporal hope as well.
So it is this season every year, that by the design of the great and mighty God, Jehovah is His Name, that we celebrate his first arrival with an eye upon His Second Coming.
We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your partnership this year. This simple video clip doesn’t rightly share all the impact that you have had through our serving together. We hope to hear from you again soon about how we can serve you as together we Bridge HOPE to a lost and dying world.
Blessings, JD Smith CitiIMPACT Missions Leadership Development