HURRICANE ISAAC August 29, 2012 ONE YEAR AGO today. As a way to thank all of you who partner with CitiIMPACT Missions and JD Smith, we’re sharing this letter with you…
A letter from Louisiana came in to CEO JD late last night for CitiIMPACT. Today they commemorate the event and give thanks in various celebration services around the region.
The letter IS really to all of you who collaborate and partner with us in times of disasters. It reads,
“Dear JD,
A year ago today, St. John Parish was devastated by hurricane Isaac. Over 7000 homes, several schools and churches flooded due to storm surge and heavy rains. Thousands of residents were left homeless without food or shelter.
Yet as a result of your partnership, and generosity more than 35,000 meals were served within the first two weeks after the storm. Relief items of food, water, cleaning and building supplies were distributed to thousands of residents. We were able to house and feed over 2500 volunteer workers, who came from all over the US to help the citizens of St. John Parish rebuild. In the past 12 months, we have been able to assist 1007 home owners to rebuild their homes. St. John Parish has experience an amazing recovery. It is estimated that 90% of the homes that were damaged, have been completed. Although there are still families who are attempting to rebuild,
I just want to pause and give thanks to all of you who made our recovery possible. Team work makes the dream work. There are people who you may never meet who are eternally grateful for you standing with us during our time of crisis.