Serving to Influence. Be like that!
Join us on the journey.
As a catalyst of HELP and HOPE, CitiIMPACT Ministries mobilizes collaborative partnerships between local churches, groups and individuals for greater effectiveness in meeting human needs.
Serving to Influence. Be like that!
Join us on the journey.
As a catalyst of HELP and HOPE, CitiIMPACT Ministries mobilizes collaborative partnerships between local churches, groups and individuals for greater effectiveness in meeting human needs.
that’s right…DON”T Donate to CitiIMPACT….unless…
1-You value & believe in partnership
2-You want your donation multiplied many times above its face value
3-You want to make a sustainable impact
4-You value that people need a hand up, not just a hand out
OK, you get the point: CitiIMPACT Ministries serves children, families & communities with HOPE, helping them overcome at-risk situations. We do this by forging collaborative partnerships bringing more resources together, multiplying efforts & sustainable impact.
Yes, WE NEED & VALUE YOUR PARTNERSHIP FINANCIALLY! Here is JUST ONE testimony of how your donation did or could work in a community: It’s one of hundreds we could give you. Pastor Kirk Pankratz, Church of the Harvest in Oklahoma City, was one of the lead churches we are partnering with in the Moore OK Tornado Response; a church of 5 campuses.
“When the disastrous weather hit our state back in May 2013, we had no idea how our church – Church of the Harvest – would be able to play a part in the rebuild efforts. We just knew one thing – we had to help. Immediately, we began to develop partnerships with local churches, disaster organizations and ministries that have an impact locally and around the world. CitiIMPACT is one of those organizations we have been privileged to partner with and we are so grateful for the value they add to this massive rebuild effort. I use the word
“massive” because this entire effort to rebuild these affected communities is far beyond just one church or one disaster organization. Some say it could take over five years for the affected areas to be fully rebuilt. With the help of CitiIMPACT, over two dozen semi-loads of key supplies have been given out and used to help assist families. Thousands of meals were prepared and given out to victims and the countless volunteers that have been
committed to this journey. CitiIMPACT leader – J.D. Smith – has been a key individual in introducing us to various people and organizations focused on disaster response both locally and nationally. He has actually continued with us in Oklahoma City for the past six months since the storms hit and that has proven to be invaluable to our team. There are countless stories of victims – both individuals and families – that have been able to be fed, receive clothing, household goods and supplies to help them rebuild their lives. Thank you so much to J.D. and our friends at CitiIMPACT! We look forward to continuing this relationship and journey to see total restoration come to these strong communities.”
Kirk Pankratz, Senior Pastor,Church of the Harvest, Oklahoma City,OK
Thank ALL of you for your past partnership in many ways, including finances. IF you haven’t donated to us before, NOW is the time! Get your tax deductible donation for 2013 in today. DONATE
Blessings to you from all of us at CitiIMPACT Ministries! JD Smith
CONTACT US for an exciting NEW WAY everybody can help that costs you NOTHING.
“We mobilized our networks to respond to this horrible flooding in Colorado. Assessments and Relief are underway as I speak for short and long-term response. The CitiIMPACT Disaster Coalition is shipping NOW Emergency Relief Aid for sustaining life.Other assets have also been deployed Into the Denver/Boulder areas.” JD Smith, CEO of CitiIMPACT Missions & The CitiIMPACT Disaster Coalition, said earlier today.
LONG TERM EFFORTS begin NOW. Sign up Teams for Relief and Recovery.
Please be in prayer for all those affected and take appropriate action to help with HOPE. Don’t wait to be prepared in your own community for a disaster.”
JD Smith, CitiIMPACT & their Affiliates are Christian Humanitarian, Church & Missions organizations dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by taking action to solve the causes of poverty, injustice & disaster occurrences.
One Month. Ashley and Jason S., and their two children, have been surviving the horrific tornado that struck Moore, Oklahoma on May 20, 2013. Last week, as I sat with them face to face Ashley recounted being in the storm shelter that saved her children Andrew (11) and Jacob (6), as the tornado roared overhead.
“We held hands and prayed for Jesus to help us no matter what happens. Andrew cried out, “Mommy, Hold Me!”, sobbed Ashley. Andrew has aspergers and has never before asked to be held, which is common with his symptoms.
Her whole house blew down around them. Yet, they are ALIVE!
Recounts Jason just last night, “My family and I were in a state of disbelief”. That was made even further difficult in that Jason was in Afghanistan at the time of the tornado. It took him 5 days to get home. His entire home was destroyed, except just a few possessions. Yet his beloved family did survive with their lives, in a storm shelter in what was once their garage. He adds, “A normal day in Oklahoma, in just a few minutes suddenly turned into the single most life-changing event in our family history. We felt helpless and overwhelmed, but most of all blessed that we had made it through the tornado with our lives.”
“Today”, he goes on, “we’re cleaning up the few items we could salvage and are gaining a sense of hope. With help of therapy and love from CitiIMPACT Mission Teams, our children are slowly beginning more normal levels of activity. We’re still overwhelmed with all that has to be done, but remain optimistic the future holds stability for our family.”
Because of your efforts with CitiIMPACT, many such stories of HOPE and HELP arise from the destruction of natural disasters, and the disasters of life in general. Please continue to Support and BE Part of the efforts with us for those who need “a sense of hope”. Together we are reaching families like Jason’s in several states right now.
Be and ACT like this, another young man named Andrew long ago:
Mark 1:16 “As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said,“and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.”
Blessings to you today!
We really do need you to bring your HELP & HOPE to disaster zones, because impacted people are falling through the cracks…and THEY NEED YOU.
Please read & follow the steps so that your Mission Team can have the best experience possible without putting a burden on the people and community you desire to serve.
We’ve worked with close to a half million volunteers in the last 8 years, so we’ve been able to discover a functional structure that brings great sustainable impact to people’s’ lives.
JD Smith
CEO CitiIMPACT Missions
We have Mission Teams on the way & Relief Aid shipments.
Get connected.
CitiIMPACT Missions
JD Smith
We’re all living in some very chaotic times, as we were up all night with the newest disaster in West, Texas. The rise of evil and terrible tragedies truly seems to be coming at an increasing rate. It’s as if evil is being made to seem to be good and good to be evil. I urge you to go to one of the ultimate warrior stances of perhaps all time. There are some Sparks in the Dark as we stand strong together.
Ephesians 6:10-18 We all need this, truly.
The attached video of Amanda Thatcher reflects that (the text follows the video):
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
May the Lord bless us all with His Peace again, one and all. After all, Love will conquer all.
I want to be like Martin in promoting PEACE, a true to life, and in death, Spark in the Dark. He’s a great example of “What Love’s Got To Do With It“.