Oh So Weary

OLYMPICS are officially starting today in London and just perhaps we’ll all be able to relax just a little from all the horror stories of the world, focusing on something that is mostly unifying. Yes, the Olympics are unifying even in competition. They are a fabulous way to see that we can all get along when we decide to not be weary in doing good. Over the years we’ve all got memories of Olympic events that even unite us around our homes and families.

Similarly, our lives are all full of activities and challenges that can cause environments of weariness. How can we help but be weary sometimes? It’s a common-to-humankind problem.

Church, which by the way IS THE PEOPLE may be feeling weary these days with all the push-back on Christian values while looking for fruitful harvest.

That certainly gets discussed in my mind  and heart, oh, about once a week.

It’s good to remember that we’re not the judge of anyone. There is a judge for sure and He made pathways of Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness for us all. Of course, His Name is Jesus Christ. He made a decision to do that for us. He decided it is all about the harvest, harvest of souls.

We ARE to be instruments of grace. Build some margins, take care of yourself spiritually & naturally & move forward! We can decide to follow Jesus like that, yes continue to make those decisions. Press forward with new energy, intentional on not becoming weary, focused on the harvest of souls.

As leaders of our families, businesses, ministries, communities and…well you get the circles of your influence…following are a few quotes to help us along. These are helpful for everyone, Christian or not!

1. Galatians 6:8-10 “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

2. Hebrews 12:3 “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

3. Matthew 11:28 ““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

4. Revelation 2:3 “You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.”

How are YOU avoiding the weariness? How do you respond when YOU are feeling weary? Send us a note, we’d love to hear your experiences!

Blessings for your weekend. Find your Sabbath, avoid weariness. Press on! JD

PS I’m searching for a Virtual Assistant, working 5-10 hours per week. If you are interested or know someone, contact me. Thanks!

6 Ways to Live Beyond Aurora and Penn State Horrors

Simply, there is no undoing what has been wrongly done, including the wrongs done in these two situations in Aurora and at Penn State. Yet, we all live in the present as we look to the future. There are few vacuums these days where information does not seep its way into our lives, so how do we turn the corners in these situations as individuals, communities, a culture and a nation?

1. Grieve and Mourn. The families of course must grieve. As a nation we should be grieving as well as more innocence has been lost along with the lives. The time has come right now to mourn with those who mourn. Moving forward requires assessing the present realities of the new normal. That doesn’t mean giving in to fear and violence, rather seeking solutions that exhibit bravery and peace. At the same time, some merit of justice is sought. 

2. Challenge the status quo. Do not let fear from any source overcome or overwhelm you. The status quo often is to give in to fear and anger. Speak truth and life into all those who are around you. When you can, do it with actions and words. These days many would have us all succumb to fear. It need not be so. We can overcome evil with good and fear with faith. Stories like these give us encouragement to challenge fear: Marie’s Story & Petra’s Miracle.

3. Don’t give up on people. Grace abounds. Let it be so with us towards others. Always not only hold hope for people, but give them a chance to experience hope.  Forgive. Then you can be ready to give more grace. Forgetting is another matter obviously. How can we forget the tragedies of Aurora or Penn State. Perhaps it’s best we DON”T forget, but take proactive steps to avoid such horrors. Forgiving sets us all free, while justice is still enacted.

Although this story in the video link about Jason McElway isn’t about horrors like in Aurora or Penn State, it is about a young man, autistic, who had suffered in areas of his life. His coach did not give up on him. We can find others to press and push forward who need Hope and Help. Jason McElway Hope Story Such acts of trust free us from living in horrors of the day for the rest of our lives.

4. Refuse to live with offense. Even known betrayal can only stop grace if you live in it. So. let’s not live out our lives in the betrayal of others or promote it accidentally. Let’s move towards the grace and justice issues that must and do come when such horrors are perpetrated. This will allow us all  to live beyond the horrors of life.

5. Leave people better than we find them. Moving past horrors often is accomplished more quickly when we can begin again to find people to help. People have real problems and few of us have to look far to find someone to help. It’s therapeutic to give hope and help to someone who is hurting or in need. Just as we begin to feel the comforts of others and the Lord in our own sorrows and horrors, that sensation and reality can multiply as we reach out to others.

6. Cause people to love Jesus more when you leave them. I wanted to add this one into the discussion. At the core of who we are to be on this earth we find that reflecting Jesus to others is a most satisfying, healing and releasing element of our humanity. Our mission of activities to help others will lead others it’s so attractive. Lead well towards Grace, Peace, Mercy and Love…best exemplified by Jesus Christ.

A famous line from the movie Braveheart  was,“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” 

A persons natural life may be taken, In faith we can find freedom that goes beyond the natural life and the circumstances of this life on earth. Encourage one another to focus on the life of faith where peace can be found that surpasses understanding, even in the midst of horrors. Live FREE.

Always look for the story line: “But God!” What does that mean? you ask. It means that God has an ultimate plan that cannot be thwarted or fail. Reliance upon Him brings that peace He grants, no matter the horrors of the days we live.

See the future..hard as it is in a season of horror…do not compromise. Period. Be true to the Creator God and His son Jesus Christ, which will led us to be true to ourselves. Therein we shall altogether find HOPE and PEACE.

What are some ways that you and your family are processing living beyond the horrors of Aurora, Penn State and other such tragedies?

Blessings, JD Smith

Aurora Colorado Tragedy


Our prayers and actions are with those in this tragedy today in Aurora, Colorado. May Godly richly comfort them through these hours, days..and years of mourning and changes. Mourn with them. Romans 12:15

Lord, Be their HOPE as you have been ours. Psalm 71:5

A First Hand, She Was There, REPORT

Human nature is so depraved, we hardly know the depths to which we might fall. The dark face of evil knows no bounds in its deception and reach into the hearts of mankind, without the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ intervening.

Posted by CitiIMPACT…their web site

“A youth group from Littleton, CO recently served with CitiIMPACT in Joplin.

“I checked in with Dave, the leader this morning and  he says,
“Thank you, still trying to assess “damage” to my kids. Please hold our community in prayers.” ”
(The group served in Joplin, MO with us at the same time we were shipping fire relief supplies to Colorado.)
Let’s continue our prayers together for those mourning these incomprehensible losses.

Peace be with you all as you cling to your loved ones a little tighter today. Redeem the time and times. Arise Prince of Peace.    JD Smith


3 Ways You’re Heard

Vision Christian Center Church of Bourg, Louisiana  20 Year Anniversary, under the leadership of Pastors Kim & Vanessa Voisin, was celebrated July 7-8, 2012.

I’ve known the people of this church and region since Hurricane Katrina, when they helped lead the region in recovery as CitiIMPACT Ministries shipped them supplies & sent thousands of volunteers into the Gulf Coast arena. (get latest news)

20 Years, that’s not a lot in the scheme of the world, but certainly it’s a lot of years in the life of that community. US Congressman Jeff Landry, Parrish President Michel Claudet , local pastor leaders,  ICFG President Glenn Burris, Jr., and myself  shared the accomplishments of VCC at the celebration. 3 Elements of “Voices” Heard stand out in the community that we can apply well to our own “Voice”. You might call them basic tenants of a platform that leads others well with a strong “Voice”.

1. Faith Vision Christian Center, and perhaps your own vehicle of influence that carries your “Voice”, was birthed in the faith of leaders who developed a team around that faith in a  vision for the community of a preferred future. Pastors Kim & Vanessa certainly have their own personal faith in the Jesus Christ, and their lives’ activities have shown their faith by their works. Likewise, the Church they lead is known throughout the region as a center of Faith. Faith in Jesus Christ, in what we are led to be & do, is a paramount platform component of our revealed Voice.

2. Family Those attending VCC today are a mixture of those who began the church as a team, their kids, their friends, their grand-kids…Family! It’s a family community of those with a common vision based on faith. The family atmosphere extends beyond the borders of the building throughout the region and world. Their partnership with CitiIMPACT Ministries, myself & others allows them to reach the world with their “Voice” through family. No one who goes to the church ever leaves there without feeling a welcome by the family “Voice”.

3. Friends Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. “No greater love has no man than to lay down his life for a friend.”, Jesus. Representing that love of Friendship is part and parcel of long-term collaboration building influences. Perhaps our own visionary “Voice” will resound much quicker through our Making a Friend & Being a Friend than any other way. At least it’s a significant part! Certainly the contagious aspects of Friends is running throughout VCC.

Faith, Family, and Friends are great ways to ensure the “Voice” we have is not only inspired and heard, but even more, heralded.

Those in attendance that weekend in Bourg, Louisiana were so overwhelmingly appreciative to all of you as you partner with us in the restoration of the Gulf Coast over these last 7 years. Thank all of you directly from each of those speakers personally, the community of Bourg and all of Louisiana.

What are some ways that Faith, Family and Friends has been vital in your “Voice” being heard?

What are some ways they can be enhanced in the heralding of the “Voice” you’ve been given?

Blessings, JD Smith



www.JDSmithOnline.com    (NEW POST COMING SOON)




Our Web Site SERVER for www.CitiIMPACT.org  IS DOWN


Our web server is down & our emails tied to it.
We processed over 700 emails yesterday which is unrelated to this.
We’ll be back shortly..be patient with us.
Improving for the future takes a little unexpected pain today. 🙁
hmmm………………………………………….HOPE REMAINS!

You can contact us through our Facebook Pages still. www.facebook.com/JDSmth & www.facebook.com/CitiIMPACT.Ministries 

Three Keys to Waiting.

How much do we like WAITING?! I’d say NOT or NONE!

Waiting is as old as time itself. We rarely are anything other than patient when waiting for the future vision, much less the immediate urgency of some need(s). The last few years I’ve experienced with thousands of people around the world the required waiting time…for supplies, HOPE, HELP, volunteers in harsh disaster zones. Even last week in power outages, floods & fires; people are desperately waiting.

Yet, we see at least 3 Things to note about Waiting. Allow these to catalyze your thought, hearts, prayers and actions towards making Waiting more attractive!

1. TARRY! is a word often used to describe or as a synonym for Waiting. It’s fullest meaning is to continue where you are, what your are and who you are until the realization of what you Wait for comes to pass. Remember on Whom you wait more than for What you wait.

You have a vision, dream, goal, or even immediate or emerging need. Tarrying while it’s solution comes is not always so easy. Habakuk 2:3 tells us to “though it tarries, wait for it, for it shall surely come.”

A great old time leader named Abram (later Abraham) at least once was tired of waiting. Genesis 15 recounts the story. God led Abram by the hand when he could no longer endure the waiting and showed him the stars. Don’t you just love how the King of the Universe has taken this broken man by the hand, touching him with His Glory & GreatnessGod reminded Abram for whom he waited more than for what he waited.

2.  PRAY! Well of course you’re praying. Right? And, who is praying with you? Folks, you are leaders of your families, businesses, churches, and communities. The weal and woes of those you serve as you lead are enormous, not to mention your own life, heart, physical & fiscal situations. Prayer is the key element in life, especially in the waiting line.

1 Thessalonians 5:25  Brothers and sisters, pray for us.” Yes, do that. Pray for one another. Pray together. Pray often. Pray first. Pray foremost. Pray with thanksgiving in all things for the soon coming, no longer waited for, answer!

3. LIVE! Often situations just seem unbearable any longer, we feel dead to life. The vision seems impossible, the enemies too big, the light at the end of the tunnel is anther train about to run us over. Too many times we are a bloodied mess in our own minds if not literally from the battles.

Ezekiel 16:6 Gives us a picture of how the Lord sees you & me during such times.  “‘Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” 

SO, go ahead right now, get up out of the dust and LIVE life while you tarry and pray.

Old & New Friends, encourage one another in word & deed!

LIVE, LIVE , LIVE.   IT’S NOT OVER. GOD IS STILL ON HIS THRONE OF GRACE FOR YOU. You, your family and your friends will soon WAIT NO LONGER!

We’re Waiting on God, nothing or no one else! What are some situations you have been waiting for God to show up in? Celebrate that it’s coming soon, and share with us!

United States of America. STILL.

Some say barely, others say not, but this is still the United States of America.

Pray for, Protect & Defend that every day. 

The United States Constitution.

Read It. Believe it. Be it!

We The People… that means us.

Cliched or not: JUST DO IT.

Sometimes there isn’t enough time to talk about Doing Something. 

Sometimes people JUST DO IT.

If you need HELP or can HELP. Contact us now.


SEE STORIES HERE & HERE from this past weekend. 


How is your family & community dealing with the HEAT & other disasters?

Tomorrow I’ll have an UPDATE on FREEDOMS in the USA. Watch for it:

3 Places of Strength for Living

 Climbing those mountains and obstacles in life can be overwhelming. It’s especially overwhelming when we attempt that in our own strength.

Psalm 68:28  “Summon your power, God[j];
show us your strength, our God, as you have done before.”

King David of old found the key secret. The strength of God is the solution! 

1-On the way up, the Lord is our strength. Difficult climbs require the fortitude and character that the strength of God can pour into our lives. Climb without fear!

2-Going down requires different muscles in hill climbing doesn’t it? So the hills of life, those obstacles overcome, next coming down is the challenge. It may not appear so, but surely our experiences show it to be. Often this is where our “heart”, passion or faith, become weak or weary. Go down boldly with focus on He who helped you climb!

3-OK, here is my own difficulty: Sitting Still. WOW. How hard is that? A mother or father watching a sick child may often wonder what to do, wringing their hands and hearts with anxious moments. How many times have we all said, “If I only could do something!” Even in the stillness our sufficiency is of God. None else nor anyone else satisfies.

Sandy Turner, a CitiIMPACT Missions Advisor in Florida wrote last night, as she prepares to serve others, “There’s a certain helplessness ones feels in the midst of the storm.  I sit with my family, safe for now.  Our home is JUST high enough. Just far enough away from the rivers. So, we are safe. As of this writing, Black Creek, in rural Middleburg (near Jacksonville) is quickly flooding.  It is already above the “100 Year” flood stage.  I have family there…”  (Watch for more from Sandy & others soon on the Florida situations.)

Allow the joy of the Lord to be your strength today! The cloud of witnesses who have gone before us are cheering us on as the King of Glory, the Lord High and Mighty, strengthens all of us to climb the mountains, get down the other sides, and sit still when we must!

What are some times you’ve climbed, descended or sat still that the Lord showed His might strength to you?

Hot Hot! Ways to Beat the HEAT!

What an incredible HEAT filled time it is around many parts of the USA.!

This past week a water main broke in our area leaving our family and thousands of others without running water for the better part of 12 hours. All restaurants and businesses were closed down. The amount of “agony” heard throughout the community was very telling about my family and thousands of others need for water to Beat the Heat! This episode certainly led to a renewal of appreciation for the blessings of WATER!

Whether it’s the scorching heat of the summer weather.


The new reigning Miami Heat NBA Champs who didn’t get beat this week…

HEAT is on a lot of folks minds and in their talk. You and most of the people who read this can go out and splash in pools, take showers and play in the water.

In many parts of the world, the heat has little or no relief solutions as water is not available to provide any cooling effects. Rather, water is often not available to even prepare food or keep children alive.

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You can help those folks in tremendous suffering from real HEAT and water deprivation with your continuing support of missions and ministries who supply solutions to those and other related life-threatening situation, like CitiIMPACT Ministries through their Child Sponsorship and other missions.

What are some ways you beat the heat during this summer? What are some ways we can help at-risk kids BEAT The HEAT and have fresh water supplies together? Respond below and visit here to get more information.