Super Storm SANDY Stories of HOPE from the CitiIMPACT Disaster HOPE Network.

Last night’s nor’easter was a slap in the face to millions struggling to survive following Super Storm Sandy. Thousands are still without power . . . OR without power yet again. Many have no heat and no water as well. CitiIMPACTand it’s network of partners and supporters are continuing to respond. Here are some Status updates, via CEO JD SMITH this morning:

  • Brick, NJ: Power out again at church site. Lines down. Still cooking and sending meals out. Thousands of pounds of frozen chicken being kept cold under 7 inches of snow!
  • Lakewood, NJ: 12 inches snow. Unloading trucks & feeding people.
  • Staten Island, NY: Snow. Unloading trucks. relief aid distribution.
  • Old Bridge, NJ: Partnering church is one who came to serve with us in IN this summer, now they are a lighthouse in own area!! Snow. Power out. Unloading semis daily. Hot meals. Secured Warehouse to serve greater community and offload supplies.
  • Brooklyn. 7 inches snow. Hot meal trucks running shuttles to projects. Unloaded 2 of our semis in snow storm last night with sleeping bags wrapped around them.

CitiIMPACT is in process of moving in a semi trailer shower unit for the public to use in New Jersey. Local churches will man the unit and serve their neighbors with  love of a hot shower and supplies they need. This area remains without power after 10 days. Standby for more on this and other developments.

Pray for teams coming into serve and bring supplies. One group from Charlotte ended up having to reroute as the gentleman became ill and was hospitalized. There was a car accident last night involving some folks bringing supplies from Indiana, one SUV following the truck was totaled but all are safe.

TEAMS: Ready starting 11/12 for teams of 4 or more for 3 or more days.

DONATE: $1 for a meal: feeding 20,000 meals a day! Anything will help.

Thank you! JD Smith

Devastation Staggering; “We have POWER!”

Low lying areas in NJ under evacuation for this nor’easter.
CitiIMPACT’s volunteers & assets are safe. 
Pray fervently for the thousands of people who are homeless & suffering from Sandy.

The kids really need us all to help them.
There are literally people who haven’t eaten for a week.
It costs us $1 per hot meal.

Blessings, JD Smith, President CitiIMPACT Missions


SANDY: Preparation and Response to Epic Storm

As part of our overall missions projects affecting at-risk children and families, you have long seen our involvement in responding to natural disasters.
I suppose there is great truth in that every size disaster is EPIC to those who experience it.
There are few events that are EPIC in the number of ways it can be disastrous in so many forms and such a broad geographical and demographic landscape. Sandy is one of those, truly.

Our efforts will together with your help positively affect thousands of people with the HOPE of the truth of Jesus Christ love for them…in practical ways during this harsh event.

Please join in the efforts with us to rescue the perishing situations of many people as we ramp up to the holiday season.

Blessings to you, JD Smith, President, CitiIMPACT Ministries

Warriors, One and All

The Lord is a Warrior; the Lord is His Name. 

1. Fight for what is right. Political elections and debates are not the destiny changers we often would like to think they are. Neither are they the route to the dynasty God has in store for you. Finding your passions fulfilled by all the promises of God in Christ Jesus is right. He has, and does, lead the way to what is right. The battles are for those who have the Warrior nature of our Lord. That can be, and should be, One and All.

2. Be strong. Now to fight the fight of right, we need to be in full armor, strong. Strong in the Lord first of all with all the possible armor His love, grace and mercy provide. Ephesians 6:10-20 is a great instruction in this. That begins, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

3. Be courageous. Aligning ourselves with the elements of armor above in #2, powered by the Holy Spirit, leads to confidence and courage. Confident in Christ to empower and Courage as a Warrior with the Warrior of all times. I mean, really, who do you want to be with you when embattled? Doesn’t the Lord, the Warrior, give you great courage?

4. Be right. Being right means, again, being aligned with the Warrior, the Lord is His Name. In alignment with Him, our assignment will be revealed with clarity, precision, power and righteousness. Warriors, One and All, meaning we are in a team, with our assignment clear; our purpose unified, our unity in the bond of peace. That is right.

Be the Warrior that is reflected by the Lord. Exodus 15:3

In this kairos of seeming diminishing power of purpose and execution in our world, it is more than a little refreshing to find those who do not shrink back from the battle.

Let’s all embrace the portion of the wholeness of the Lord in His Name of Warrior, and be about His business and battle.

What are some ways we can execute as Warriors, One and All? Let me know your thoughts, experiences and plans!

Blessings, JD Smith


I’ve been working through some web site, social media, blogging and speaking issues lately. During these processes, 7 DESIGNS keep arising. Maybe these will aid you, too, as you either assess and adjust a current project, church, ministry or job. Even more important if you’re looking to start fresh or something new.

These are basics of the most important D.E.S.I.G.N.S, you! As much as I want to keep moving forward, understanding my DESIGNS is first necessary. Then I can apply them to those around me on our team or form a team better (or a better team).


1. Desire. Really, do I have the desire for what is front of me, or in my situation? What motivates me towards any particular goal. Passionate expression comes from deep within us, our desire.

2. Experience. The good, bad, pretty and ugly experiences of our past groom us for today and for what is yet to come. Take stock of all that. Learn from, even celebrate those experiences. Now apply them with new perspectives.

3. Spiritual Gift. Many find that their life of faith has helped mold them for where they are, and are headed. In that depth of perspective, most find they have special gifts that rise to the occasion. Search out yours, and make the appropriate analysis and application.

4. Individuality. What is your style? How are you most comfortable? Everyone isn’t a public speaker, salesman, writer, artsy inclined, etc. What are the ways you work most comfortably in your sphere and highlight that as a strength. We might all need to work on some weak points as well. Yet, do not reject or neglect your strengths.

5. Maturation. Am I growing in the processes of wisdom? Where am I on a legitimate curve in our endeavors? Time on the job doesn’t always equate to maturity. An example is that many go to church for years, yet are not truly involved beyond just showing up. Knowledge applied is wisdom.

6. Natural Abilities. There are many ways to explain this I suppose. I like several sports, I’m certainly not a professional at any of them. My son, Caleb, loves to design and build things with LEGO blocks. He gets great joy from that. What gives us joy when we are engaged in it may be a great way to analyze something that we are naturally good at. Be joyful in the application of your talents.

7. Strategic Realignment. Basics 1-6 may cause us to understand we need to realign. Be strategic in that. Don’t “throw out the baby with the bath water”. Assess clearly where you are. Catch a glimpse of a preferred future. Plan accordingly for implementing steps towards that future.

All these 7 Basics really comprise this truth. We are all pieces of the puzzle. It takes time to build that puzzle. Often, others aren’t in place yet, so our place for our piece isn’t yet clear. But when it does become clear, and all is in place; VOILA! Now the puzzle is complete.

What situations are you in or want to be in that DESIGNS has been or could be important?

If we can encourage you in any of these areas, just contact us!  Blessings! JD Smith

2 Steps to Refreshing Rivers


Waiting for God to “fill you up” with something or some things? (Isaiah 43:18,19)
1. Let go of the past. Press on.

2. Some find it refreshing when they give out all that He has already given them. That seems to make room for the New Thing or Things.

IE: Willamette River in Oregon seems to be refreshing & life-giving as it flows….
Thousands of volunteers for missions have allowed CitiIMPACT Missions to serve & connect them to meaningful sustainable projects for Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer Breaks.
People who fall through the cracks are who we serve together in multiple states.
SCHEDULE NOW: Click to sign up to help and give out what God has given you. He’ll replenish everything for you!

When have your experienced the flow of God’s refreshing living water? I’d love to hear your story!

John 7:38 “38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

Blessings, JD Smith



Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”
I’m doing a Reblog from our CitiIMPACT Missions today com as it tied in perfectly to a few things I was going to write today in general.
Over the years we’ve been involved in missions and ministry, we have often seen that “a whole lot of nothing” often stands in the way of “a whole lot of something”.
Many non-Christians have to witness in-fighting between territorial missions and churches, even disaster response groups, that don’t reflect a lot of love or unity.
Truly, the Great “I AM” clearly wanted us to all be the “WE ARE” in Him. John 17 in the Holy Bible is clear on this.
Undeniably so much of how the non-Christian world operates and thinks has far too long invaded the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church, His Kingdom. It’s important to remember that He is the head of The Church.

How now then shall we live? How now then DO we live?

Let’s press on to the high mark of His calling and allow the Great I AM to lead us into being the WE ARE that He intends. I’m quite sure we’ll see more fruit that remains in all categories of life when together we reach for and share the fruit together. UBUNTU!

Blessings to you! JD Smith

Opportunities for Fall

Later this week, I’ll give you some updates on our foreign missions and church planting initiatives.
Along with a perspective from nearly two weeks on the ground in Hurricane Isaac, my next post will share some insights garnered from partnerships developed over the last two decades serving in compassion ministries, including disaster zones, with nearly 200,000 volunteers.

Until then:
Sign up your teams for volunteerism!
Donate your time, talent and treasure to assist others in need.
Pray for those around you who don’t know Christ in this tumult filled world.

JD Smith
CitiIMPACT Missions

HOPE Goes Too Far

Can we possibly go too far with HOPE? Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” 

Still under water after 10 days. Thousands need HOPE.

What is in our hands and hearts to give is freely received, so we freely give. Therein lies peace and freedom for both the giver and recipient.

Follow these links for stories and photos of people reaching out to one another with HOPE:

HOPE 1    HOPE 2     HOPE 3    HOPE 4

West St. John’s Parish High School Volleyball Team helps their community in crisis. You can too!

Videos (short) of people helping in Louisiana for Hurricane ISAAC    #1  #2   #3   #4

Thank you for giving freely in times of distress and disaster of your HOPE, LOVE, MERCY and GRACE; in the forms of volunteerism, materials and finances.

Together we’re serving in multiple states for disaster recovery this year, including now Louisiana and Mississippi for Hurricane Isaac.

YOU are exhibiting the Care, Concern, Counsel and Comfort as Christ did and does for others.

How can we connect you to be the HOPE & HELP people need in Christ’s Name? How have you connected?

May God richly bless you again and again. JD Smith