that’s right…DON”T Donate to CitiIMPACT….unless…
1-You value & believe in partnership
2-You want your donation multiplied many times above its face value
3-You want to make a sustainable impact
4-You value that people need a hand up, not just a hand out
OK, you get the point: CitiIMPACT Ministries serves children, families & communities with HOPE, helping them overcome at-risk situations. We do this by forging collaborative partnerships bringing more resources together, multiplying efforts & sustainable impact.
Yes, WE NEED & VALUE YOUR PARTNERSHIP FINANCIALLY! Here is JUST ONE testimony of how your donation did or could work in a community: It’s one of hundreds we could give you. Pastor Kirk Pankratz, Church of the Harvest in Oklahoma City, was one of the lead churches we are partnering with in the Moore OK Tornado Response; a church of 5 campuses.
“When the disastrous weather hit our state back in May 2013, we had no idea how our church – Church of the Harvest – would be able to play a part in the rebuild efforts. We just knew one thing – we had to help. Immediately, we began to develop partnerships with local churches, disaster organizations and ministries that have an impact locally and around the world. CitiIMPACT is one of those organizations we have been privileged to partner with and we are so grateful for the value they add to this massive rebuild effort. I use the word
“massive” because this entire effort to rebuild these affected communities is far beyond just one church or one disaster organization. Some say it could take over five years for the affected areas to be fully rebuilt. With the help of CitiIMPACT, over two dozen semi-loads of key supplies have been given out and used to help assist families. Thousands of meals were prepared and given out to victims and the countless volunteers that have been
committed to this journey. CitiIMPACT leader – J.D. Smith – has been a key individual in introducing us to various people and organizations focused on disaster response both locally and nationally. He has actually continued with us in Oklahoma City for the past six months since the storms hit and that has proven to be invaluable to our team. There are countless stories of victims – both individuals and families – that have been able to be fed, receive clothing, household goods and supplies to help them rebuild their lives. Thank you so much to J.D. and our friends at CitiIMPACT! We look forward to continuing this relationship and journey to see total restoration come to these strong communities.”
Kirk Pankratz, Senior Pastor,Church of the Harvest, Oklahoma City,OK
Thank ALL of you for your past partnership in many ways, including finances. IF you haven’t donated to us before, NOW is the time! Get your tax deductible donation for 2013 in today. DONATE
Blessings to you from all of us at CitiIMPACT Ministries! JD Smith