Can we possibly go too far with HOPE? Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”
What is in our hands and hearts to give is freely received, so we freely give. Therein lies peace and freedom for both the giver and recipient.
Follow these links for stories and photos of people reaching out to one another with HOPE:

West St. John’s Parish High School Volleyball Team helps their community in crisis. You can too!
Videos (short) of people helping in Louisiana for Hurricane ISAAC #1 #2 #3 #4
Thank you for giving freely in times of distress and disaster of your HOPE, LOVE, MERCY and GRACE; in the forms of volunteerism, materials and finances.
Together we’re serving in multiple states for disaster recovery this year, including now Louisiana and Mississippi for Hurricane Isaac.
YOU are exhibiting the Care, Concern, Counsel and Comfort as Christ did and does for others.
How can we connect you to be the HOPE & HELP people need in Christ’s Name? How have you connected?