Are YOU Ready?
BE PREPARED: The situation in West Virginia was obviously not expected. Disasters can occur anywhere whether they are natural, terrorist, or industrial. Is your community ready? Do you have a plan in place? The attitude that “it won’t happen to us” is prevalent and detrimental. Contact us to get trained in how to serve your neighbors in times of disaster. We will make sure you have a plan ready to execute and you will be in our network to receive needed supplies and manpower when the time comes.
Please read more below & SHARE!

January 2013
Spring and Summer Teams Sign Up Now!
Accepting college alternative spring break teams, youth group mission trips and of course huge need for skilled workers. We provide housing and coordinate work. At all current sites you will have a kitchen to prepare your own meals. Encourage you to sign up early (especially for larger groups) as space is limited.
Current Destinations:
- MOORE, OKLAHOMA – This is the area of largest capacity (up to 200 at a time). They are just now beginning the rebuilding phase from the tornado that destroyed homes and families. Suggest you bring at least one skilled person as this will open up more possibilities for your team.
- COLORADO – The flooding late last summer did extensive damage. Teams are needed in a number of areas beginning in April through July. Teams up to 20 will be easy to accomodate, possibly larger with adequate prep time.
- NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY – Still recovering and rebuilding from Superstorm Sandy. Groups up to 25 can be accomodated most times.
- TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA – Groups up to 20 can assist in the aftermath of tornado. Currently volunteers help in clothing/food distribution, organizing, some beautification projects and outreach to the community.
- LAPLACE, LOUISIANA – Rebuilds still underway from hurricane two years ago. Teams up to 30 of must be mostly skilled adults.
It hasn’t gotten a lot of press but the water crisis in WV is not over. 300,000 people could not use there water for over a week due to a chemical spill – schools and businesses were closed. People already living on the poverty line didn’t get paid. Now they say the water is “safe”. Yet there are h  undreds of reports of sludge and slime still in the water, chemical burns, and a multitude of other illnessess after the ban was lifted. CitiIMPACT was called by the EOC within 15 minutes of the ban asking for help. We were able to send in 300 tons of water, 15 semi trailers worth. Some of that was in partnership with NFL player Randy Moss who is from WV and wanted to give back. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. DONATE TO GIVE WATER
BE PREPARED: The situation in WV was obviously not expected. Disasters can occur anywhere whether they are natural, terrorist, or industrial. Is your community ready? Do you have a plan in place? The attitude that “it won’t happen to us” is prevalent and detrimental. Contact us to get trained in how to serve your neighbors in times of disaster. We will make sure you have a plan ready to execute and you will be in our network to receive needed supplies and manpower when the time comes.