A few short days ago, our nation trembled.
The hustle and bustle of the season abruptly ceased.
All hearts united in disbelief, sorrow, and outrage.
This stolen innocence will have long lasting after shocks.
How do we function in the midst of the all consuming, “WHY?”
Yes, these are dark dark times. But One has come who overcame the dark.
Jesus was born in another very dark time in history.
He came to bring light. To bring HOPE. The Light of HOPE.
Though we may never know or come to terms with “The Why”.
We do know “The Who”.
Lets agree to not let darkness win. Let’s share His light of Hope.
After all is that not the real meaning of Christmas?
Many are hurting deeply. We are. Maybe you too.
Undoubtedly, few greater than the families of those 20 babies.
Even in your own darkness, you can be a spark to another.
A simple act of kindness. A smile. An anonymous gift to one in need.
An encouraging word. A prayer. A hug. An act of service.
In doing so, your flame will grow. Light will spread. Hope will win.
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We do have some personal connections in Newtown. Look for ways to bring tangible direct HOPE to this community in 2013. For now, there is no greater way to honor the victims than to BE that spark.
The Light shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5