CitiIMPACT Colorado Flood Disaster Response

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:       1000 year FLOODING in Colorado!  

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Colorado 6

Colorado Flooding 2013

“We mobilized our networks to respond to this horrible flooding in Colorado. Assessments and Relief are underway as I speak for short and long-term response. The CitiIMPACT Disaster Coalition is shipping NOW Emergency Relief Aid for sustaining life.Other assets have also been deployed Into the Denver/Boulder areas.” JD Smith, CEO of CitiIMPACT Missions & The CitiIMPACT Disaster Coalition, said earlier today.

Colorado Flooding 2013


LONG TERM EFFORTS begin NOW. Sign up Teams for Relief and Recovery.

Please be in prayer for all those affected and take appropriate action to help with HOPE. Don’t wait to be prepared in your own community for a disaster.”

JD Smith, CitiIMPACT & their Affiliates are Christian Humanitarian, Church & Missions organizations dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by taking action to solve the causes of poverty, injustice & disaster occurrences.