Liberia is calling for our help! Did YOU eat today?

Liberia is calling for our help. Be YOUR part of HOPE in sustainable holistic transformation.
read on for more information and pass it on!






CitiIMPACT has been speaking to Rev. Jervis Witherspoon of Liberia.  He is the Spiritual Advisor to President Ellen Johnston (also a Christian) and extremely admired in his country.  Rev. Witherspoon has invited us to come to meet with himself and the President to discuss ways we can work together in bridging hope to the children of Liberia.  We are making plans to do this within the next few months.  If you feel led to give towards this vital mission please do so now HERE.
Rev. Witherspoon emphasized the need for jobs and access to solid education.
We are exploring ways to develop sustainable food sources that can be grown and sold locally, rather than continuing to foster their dependence on imported rice.   There are various models of micro farms and veggie tunnels that we will discuss with the government while in Liberia.
The government has no money to pay teachers, so there is little public education.  Parents who do have any income, have been forced to choose to buy food or pay for an education of their children.   This is where we come in. 
Through Rosetta (click here to see her story)  we have been connected with local pastors who are identifying children for us to sponsor.  For $35 a month you can send a child in Liberia to school, pay for their uniforms, shoes, supplies, feed their entire family, AND bridge HOPE to the community through holistic missions.  Please just fill out the form on the donate page with information on age and or sex of child(ren) you would like to sponsor.  We will then send you their name, birthday, school and family bio so you can pray and write to them. 
PARTIES With a Purpose:
Consider hosting a party in your home.  Think of the parties we women have that sell house wares or jewelry.  Now think of the same food and fellowship except instead of feeling obligated to buy something frivolous that you will rarely use, you are GIVEN an opportunity to CHANGE a life.  A chance to live beyond your own life and make a lasting difference in a child, a school, a church, a country.   We’ve been doing these in the Charlotte area for a few months.  Rosetta herself is sharing and they have been very moving and IMPACTING.  If you are near Charlotte and would want to host one contact  If you are outside this area we can still set you up with videos, pamphlets, and all info needed.
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Pastors in Liberia typically make about $60 a month. Most don’t have transportation and travel by foot for hours to minister to their congregants. Please consider sponsoring an indigenous pastor so that he may in return minister more effectively. Other needs you can meet that will make a huge impact are motorcycles and laptop computers.
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Liberia denotes “liberty”.
It was colonized and founded by freed American Slaves.
That liberty was shattered in 1989 when civil war ravaged the country for 14 years killing over 200,000 people and destroying hospitals, infrastructure, and the economy.
Post war Liberia has the world’s worst unemployment rate of 85%.
The majority of the country exists on less than $12 a month.
Thousands of children are orphaned due to nonexistent healthcare, making them especially vulnerable to traffickers.
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  • Pray that your sponsored child might respond to God’s love and grace.
  • Ask God to guide your sponsored child as he or she learns, grows, and moves toward a future full of hope and possibilities.
  • Pray for God to protect the health of your sponsored child and his or her family.
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